World Wildlife Day

On this World Wildlife Day we are celebrating the successful completion of phase one of our elephant collaring program!  This past week we collared 12 elephants in the Grumeti concession – a combination of six cows and six bulls from various family groups and bachelor herds that are currently moving in close proximity to the protected area boundary.  By collaring members of this keystone species we are not only learning more about their dynamics and movements but we are working to prevent human wildlife conflict.

locating and darting the elephant

waiting for the tranquilizer to set in

securing the satellite collar

monitoring the breathing

taking measurements

The Grumeti Fund believes that to protect wildlife you must also protect people.  The escalating issue of human wildlife conflict and the protection of both people and wildlife requires significant attention and technology-based solutions.  By fitting elephants with remote download GPS collars we will be able to identify and map out where elephants are moving and when. We can create geo-fences on the map that will alert us when an elephant is moving closer to the communities. In turn we can alert not only the community itself about the proximity of the elephant or the herd, but we can also deploy our human wildlife conflict mitigation unit to assist in moving the elephants back into the protected area. This proactive approach is one of several programs we have addressing human wildlife conflict.   Our dream is for the communities to not have to live in fear of these majestic, intelligent and social animals which are being persecuted on a daily basis.  We want the communities to have secured livelihoods and to see the value in wildlife and protected areas.  In Tanzania, an amazing 25% of the land is under some form of protection, thus it is vital to secure the relationship between people and wildlife so that this natural heritage and the wildlife of Tanzania can flourish in harmony with the nation’s continued development.

To contribute to phase two of the Grumeti Fund elephant collaring program please donate here OR contact us for information on joining us on of these experiences (


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Nchini Marekani, Grumeti Fund ni mradi unaosaidiwa-kifedha na Shirika la Uhifadhi na jamii za Kiafrika, Inc. (“ACCF”), shirika la kimsaada 501(c) (3). Michango yenye kutozwa kodi kwa ACCF hutolowa kwa Grumeti Fund kusaidia kazi yetu.

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